Saturday, April 30, 2011


Got this great postcard at the Ruben Museum, NYC. 
It Takes Two to Yoga III
Photographed by Nova Anya Nyberg 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Francine Dancer

(WARNING: Some people believe the content of some of these videos should be only for 18 and up. I don't personally think so, but it is pretty darned weird.)

I was so confused the first time I saw Francine Dancer on LA Public Access. I don't really want to call her a crazy cat lady. She's really some other category... don't know what... I've seen her on the venice boardwalk a few times, if you're looking for her.


Crazy Cat Lady

I like my cat, I think cat stuff is funny, and I am intrigued by the "Crazy Cat Lady."